
Minimum of Group Size?

All prices on our website are expressed in EUR per person  based on 2 people – minimum of group size. If you are interested to travel alone in private tour – then price starts from 2 persons!

For Solo travellers we have offer in Scheduled tours, from 1 of May till 1 of November. Fixed price. Check our offer – HERE

Scheduled Tours is tour with fixed departure dates, time and price, with a group size of MIN 3MAX 15 people. Please book at least 2-5 days in advance to guarantee a tour on your preferred date.

Scheduled tours available from 1 May till 1 November!

The tour can be canceled from agency side one day before departure, if group size is smaller than minimum. Scheduled tours is ONLY in English language.

If I need to change day/time or cancel my reservation – Since this action cannot be performed online, you should call our office at (+371) 27098800 to see if your reservation can be moved to another day or time that is not already full.